Most great nations face a time in their collective history when they hit a crossroads. For the vast majority of these countries, they choose the road that leads to destruction. Is America doomed to destruction like all of the other great society before it?
Over the past number of years we as a society have seen the rise of liberal thought that has threatened to destroy not only the moral fabric of our nation but the economic structure. Take for instance since 2020 with the introduction of Joe Biden and the Ultra-progressive Left.
Joe Biden has single-handedly compromised our once flourishing economy. He ended our once in the lifetime independence on foreign oil from the Middle East. He then went on to cripple any further attempts at saving our fossil fuel supply chain with regulations and by cancelling any future oil leases.
This was just the first volley in Bidens War on America. He followed it up by ramping up his "Green New Deal" scam. While prices at the pump were beginning to rise, the "Green New Deal" was just beginning to bury its nails in the back of the American economy.
New mandates on the use of "Electric" everything. Cars, Planes, Trains, Buses if it had a motor in it, the folks over at 1600 Pennsylvania had a target on it. Every car manufacturer started pumping out EV at breakneck speed. The problem? Cost and style...Oh and yeah they sucked on mileage.
Then there is the Border Crisis.
Democrats are hellbent on achieving legacy power in America. And if they can't achieve it the right way, ala convincing people that they have the best ideas, then they'll just resort to the old fashioned way to getting power, "Illegal Immigration".
Joe Biden on the very first day he entered office repealed over 90 Trump era laws that secured our Southern Border. He then made a invitation to anyone who could make the trip that the U.S. Border was wide open. "Come and Get It".
For the past 3+ years we have seen over 10Million Illegal Aliens invade our country from over 100 nations. The Democrats and Biden has thwarted every attempt by border states to close their portion of the border. Tens of thousands of illegals storm the border each and every day. Some of them are gang members, some terrorists who see a golden opportunity to get into the United States and commit acts of violence.
To date the American way of life under the Biden Administration has gone from on the rise to on the way out the door and our foreign adversaries can smell blood in the water. If we as a nation don't do something to change our course, the America that as Ronald Reagan said, was the City shining on the top of the hill" will be no more. And as one man said, "Once America is gone, there is no other".