Today a Manhattan jury returned a verdict of guilty on the former President of the United States, Donald J Trump. Is the first time in US history that a former president has been indicted, prosecuted and found guilty of a crime which had nothing to do with him being president.
The presiding Judge, Marchan ran on a campaign that he would convict president Trump. And after weeks of testimony, he was able to carry out that campaign promise. The question here now is how much more can America take?

Over the last decade, America has been experiencing levels of violence, lawlessness, and attacks on our sovereignty, unprecedented levels. The billionaire George Soros has backed radical district attorneys all across America, in an effort to undermine the rule of law in our country.
In Los Angeles, there been recalls for sitting governor, Gavin Newsom, district attorney in Los Angeles, George Gaston, and even in New York City a recall effort successfully unseated governor Cuomo.
We see precedented attacks on the traditional family, our way of life in America and the question is how much more can America take.

We never thought that there would ever come a day when you couldn’t say "Merry Christmas", but that happened some 10 years ago. Follow that up with efforts to take the Bible out of schools , give women unfettered restrictions on killing babies (which is called Women's Right to Choose) and now we have a sitting president, the leading candidate for the Republican party found guilty on 34 counts ranging from campaign finance errors, to trying to hide an affair from his wife.
Democrats over the years have spent countless hours in manpower, trying to undermine the American system of government and living. In 1861, when the Civil War began Democrats vowed that they would not quit until their cherished slavery was reconstituted. They took matters into their own hands after losing the Civil War and murdered Abraham Lincoln.

It wasn’t very long after that that they began a systematic whittling away at the American system, with efforts to disenfranchise black voters, not allow women to vote and ultimately to implement a system of segregation and racism all across America. It wasn’t until they were able to harness the halls of power in America, that they felt that they could come in with impunity; begin to wag their fingers in the face of the conservative opposition.
That time is now.
All across America we see blatant immorality, socialism and unAmerican activism. From Rashida Talib to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, members of the squad, who have made it clear that they do not like America and would want to throw it in the ash heap of history.
The same country, which gave them the rights and the ability to be educated and to be representatives of not just their household, but to tens of thousands of people in their states, these same ungrateful toads, thumb their noses at America and that stinks.

We must not just to talk the good talk, but we must walk the good walk. We have seen what has taken place when we don’t stand up for a cause or voice our opinion. Now we must lick our wounds, set our chins like flint against an opposition that has taken over our schools or TVs are very borders in an effort to destroy America.
It isn't enough to just get active around election time. We must be vigilant 365 days of the year. Get active and get involved.