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Which Day Will You Observe? Easter or Transgender Day of Visibility


All around the world people will be observing the holiest of days on the Christian calendar, Resurrection Sunday or as it is more commonly known Easter but this year will be different. Transgender Day of Visibility will fall on the same day as Easter this year. So which will most Americans celebrate?

Since 2009 the Transgender Day of Visibility has been celebrated in a number of fringe cities. Those in the LGBTQ+ community chose to sandwich the celebration smack dab in the middle of the holiest season on the Christian calendar, that of Lent and the Passion Week of Easter.This year both will coincide on the same day March 31st.

Some liberal Christian groups have embraced the Gay Pride movement while the vast majority of Christians see this as yet another spit in the face by the LGBTQ+ community. The once small community has grown into a nationally known organization who wield power in the highest echelons of politics.

70% of Americans claim to be Christians but Christianity globally is continually under attack by fringe groups in cities and among peoples who see them as a threat to the status quo. China's growing Christian community celebrates services in underground churches fearing repercussions by Communist dictators in the worlds second largest economy.

It looks like this year the Christian community once again will have to defend their right to worship in a country growing increasingly inhospitable to diversity of thought and religion.


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