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Hunter Biden Finally Goes on Trial


The sex addicted, drug crazed son of Joe Biden, Hunter is finally going on trial on federal gun charges and the nation is sitting on pins and needles. Today the first son and his wife marched into a Delaware courtroom where jury selection was to take place, but they weren’t alone.

The First Lady Jill Biden along with other members of the First Family sat in attendance as over 250 men and women were auditioned for what court watchers say will be a two week long jury trial.

Biden is charged with filling out a federal gun form to purchase a gun and falsifying his answers. On the form Biden, when asked whether he was an illegal drug user or addict, falsely answered No on the form. All evidence, either found on the now “Verified” Hunter Biden laptop, or publicly discovered show that not only was Hunter Biden a drug user but was an addict.

The now infamous Biden laptop, was the center of controversy during the 2020 Presidential election. Social media as well the mainstream Legacy media went with the newly discovered story concocted by the Biden Administration, that the laptop was Russian disinformation. Then Twitter, Facebook and liberal media platforms roundly denounced the Hunter laptop and its detractors. 

The Nevada Conservative was among the media outlets which stood by the story that the Hunter laptop was real and that its content was true. For our stand we were deplatformed by Facebook on several occasions as a leadup to the 2020 Presidential Election.

Now some 4 years later, definitive proof that the Hunter Biden laptop has come to light. Reports that the Biden Campaign made up the story, enlisted the help of 51 former Generals and Intelligence Officials who signed their name to a now false Russian disinformation story. 

This false story was then leaked to a willing reporter who posted the Biden story. This was then commented on by the Biden Campaign team as proof, when in actuality they were the source of the story.

The trial of Hunter Biden should be an open and shut case. Biden by all accounts lied on the Federal Gun Form. But unlike the trial of former President Donald Trump, who faced a jury and judge in deep blue Manhattan, Biden faces a deep blue judge and jury in a friendly county. The likelihood of his conviction is doubtful.

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